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本文摘要:Chinese researchers have developed the worlds first-ever 4D printing for ceramics that are mechanically robust and can have complex shapes, offering broad potential applications in telecommunications, electronics and even space exploration.中国研究人员早已研发降生界上首项4D陶瓷打印机技术,这项技术使陶瓷性能牢固且形状简单,在电信、电子甚至太空探寻领域中具备普遍的应用于潜力。

Chinese researchers have developed the worlds first-ever 4D printing for ceramics that are mechanically robust and can have complex shapes, offering broad potential applications in telecommunications, electronics and even space exploration.中国研究人员早已研发降生界上首项4D陶瓷打印机技术,这项技术使陶瓷性能牢固且形状简单,在电信、电子甚至太空探寻领域中具备普遍的应用于潜力。Researchers at City University of Hong Kong reported in a study published last Friday in the journal Science Advances a novel ceramic ink, a mixture of polymers and ceramic nanoparticles.香港城市大学的研究人员在上周五公开发表在《科学进展》杂志上的一项研究中报导了一种精致的“陶瓷油墨”,这是一种聚合物和陶瓷纳米颗粒的混合物。The 3D-printed ceramic precursors printed with this novel ink are soft and can be stretched three times beyond their initial length, according to the study.该研究表明,用这种新型油墨打印机的3D打印机陶瓷前体很坚硬,并且可以剪切多达其初始长度的三倍。

These flexible and stretchable ceramic precursors allow complex shapes, such as origami folding. With proper heat treatment, ceramics with complex shapes can be made, making them the 4D ceramics.这些柔软且可剪切的陶瓷前体可转换简单的形状,例如折纸样式。通过必要的热处理,可以生产出有形状简单的陶瓷,使其沦为4D陶瓷。4D printing is conventional 3D printing combined with the additional element of time as the fourth dimension, where the printed objects can re-shape or self-assemble themselves over time with external stimuli, such as mechanical force, temperature, or a magnetic field.4D打印机是传统的3D打印机与第四维度可选元素时间的结合体。

其中打印机物体可以随着时间的流逝,在外部性刺激下(例如机械力,温度或磁场)重塑或自组。The existing 3D-printed ceramic precursors, which are usually difficult to deform, also hinder the 4D printing of ceramics with complex shapes.现有的3D打印机陶瓷前体一般来说无法变形,也阻碍了具备简单形状的陶瓷的4D打印机。The researchers led by Lv Jian, chair professor of mechanical engineering, made use of the elastic energy stored in the stretched precursors for shape morphing.机械工程系主任吕坚率领研究人员利用储存在剪切前体中的弹性能量来转变陶瓷的形状。When the stretched ceramic precursors are released, they undergo self-reshaping and after heat treatment, the precursors turn into ceramics.当剪切的陶瓷前体被获释时,它们不会经历自行重塑并且在热处理之后,前体会变为陶瓷。

The resultant elastomer-derived ceramics are mechanically robust. They can have a high compressive strength-to-density ratio and can come in large sizes with high strength compared to other printed ceramics.获得的弹性体派生的陶瓷具备牢固的机械性能。它们具备很高的耐压强度与密度比,并且与其他打印机陶瓷比起可以具备相当大的抗压尺寸。With the versatile shape-morphing capability of the printed ceramic precursors, its application can be huge, said Lv.吕坚回应,4D打印机陶瓷前体的多形状变形能力使得其应用于范围将十分普遍。



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